On Wednesday, April 10th at 19:00 EET (20:00 CET) as part of the programme A Week in Finland for the larp conference Solmukohta, we are happy to announce that Nordic Larp Talks is back in Finland!
The talks will be live at Paidia at Nokia Arena in Tampere and our ambition is as usual to both livestream and add all talks as video afterwards. Your host will be Johanna Koljonen.
Our venue Paidia is located in Nokia Arena. You can find Paidia via Nokia Arena main A-doors, then go through the gates on your left and via escalators to 3.floor. For more information how to get to the Nokia Arena read this.
Nordic Larp Talks Tampere 2024 is made in collaboration with the Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies at Tampere University and Tracon ry.

Nordic Larp Talks is a series of short, entertaining, thought-provoking and mind-boggling lectures about projects and ideas from the tradition of Nordic Larp.